Your database will need 5 fields added:
DateStart (Date)
(Date) is the field type
DateEnd (Date)
(Date) is the field type
TimeStart (Time)
(Time) is the field type
TimeEnd (Time)
(Time) is the field type
ElapsedTime (Time)
Enter this calculation in the ElapsedTime field
((DateEnd - DateStart) * 86400) + TimeEnd - TimeStart
Also Set the Calculation result of that field to time
The ElapsedTime field will calculate the result
Why do you set the fields to Time instead of Number..
You set the calculation result field to Time so it will
display the time as hours:minutes:seconds.
NOTE- FileMaker calculates time in seconds.
The 86400 equals the number of seconds in a day.
When you set the calculation field result to time,
FileMaker converts the number (of seconds) to time (hours:minutes:seconds).
When you set the calculation field to result to Number
FileMaker calculates the difference as a number of seconds.
86400 equals the number of seconds in a day.
3600 equals the number of seconds hour