, pub-2479148851417979, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Quick Tips for Mac Geeks: March 2019

Monday, March 11, 2019

Using the Terminal on a Mac to Delete the Trash

  1. Go to your utilities folder and open the app called terminal
  2. In the Terminal window type : sudo rm -R (there is a space after the R)
  3. Do not hit return 
  4. open your trash icon on your desktop
  5. Select a folder or a file in your trash.
  6. Drag it into the Terminal window after the sudo rm -R. (the command looks something like this sudo rm -R /Users/username/.Trash/
  7. Now hit return
  8. It will ask you for an admin password, so enter it
  9. and hit return and the file should delete

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