, pub-2479148851417979, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Quick Tips for Mac Geeks: How to to disable Rootless Mode on a Mac - "Rootless" feature of El Capitan

Saturday, November 14, 2015

How to to disable Rootless Mode on a Mac - "Rootless" feature of El Capitan

The Purpose of SIP or System Integrity Protection is to stop malware from having access to your system files. You may want to keep this protection on to keep your Mac Protected. However if your favorite applications have stopped working in El Capitan and you wan to check if rootless is the cause, here is how you can disable it .
  1. Turn on your Mac
  2. Then boot into Recovery by pressing down the Command and the R Keys at the same time until you see the Apple icon and progress bar then let go.
  3. Now go to your Utilities and open the Terminal application
  4. In the Terminal window Type this command and then press Return: csrutil disable
  5. Terminal will then say SIP was disabled
  6. Restart you Mac
  7. To Turn SIP back on follow steps 1 through 3 then Type this command in the terminal and press Return csrutil enable

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